Pap Smear Testing For Early Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

A Pap smear test can detect cervical cancer in its earliest and most treatable stage but is useless if technicians fail to diagnose the cells properly

Cervical Cancer Lawsuit News

Friday, October 26, 2018 - Cervical cancer can be caused by sexually transmitted infections involving the Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is also associated with other types of reproductive organ cancer as well. HPV is common in humans and slow to develop into full-blown cancers. HPV does cause a change in the cervical cells that can be tested and abnormalities detected before cancer develops. Precancerous lesions may develop into cervical cancer if Pap smear tests are misread as negative. More than any other medical diagnosis, a patient should seed a second opinion if their Pap smear test comes back negative as well as positive. A misread Pap smear test could result in a patient delaying cervical cancer treatment and risk cancer spreading to other organs making its treatment much more difficult. It takes 10-20 years from the time of initial infection for a cell abnormality to develop into full-blown cancer. Pap smear testing is the primary method of early cervical cancer detection.

Pap smear testing is designed to catch cervical cancer early on so that it can be surgically removed before the disease has had a chance to spread. Pap smear testing involves inserting a medical instrument called a speculum into the vagina and up to the cervical opening where cervical cells are gently brushed and retrieved. The cells are immediately sent to a specialty testing lab where they are examined by a technician under a microscope. The results of the tests are then sent back to the gynecologist for a further analysis. Pap smear testing technicians have been known to be overworked due to doctors being overly cautious and order tests more frequently than necessary. Overworked Pap smear technicians often report inaccurate reading back to doctors. When this happens cervical cancer can escape early detection and a much more life-threatening cancerous condition may develop.

It is saddening to think how many cervical cancer deaths could be prevented every year with more accurate Pap smear testing. About 5000 women ages of 35 and 44 die every year from Cervical cancer that could have been detected with an accurate Pap smear test years earlier. The survival rate for cervical cancer caught early is 92%. Half of all cervical cancer's avoid early detection due to a misread Pap smear test. If cervical cancer is allowed to spread to other organs of the body, the five-year cervical cancer survival rate falls to 50%. Pap smear examinations can be done in a doctor's office, a clinic, or a community health center as a part of a routine a pelvic examination. According to, "the American Cancer Society, the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and the American Society for Clinical Pathology. These guidelines recommend that women have their first Pap test at age 21, or within 3 years of beginning intercourse, whichever comes first." National Pap smear attorneys are available to for a free consultation to women affected by a Pap smear misdiagnosis.

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